Praemium has continued to close the gap between the top 3 platform providers in the Investment Trends 2022 Platform Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking Report, further consolidating its number 3 position in the annual survey, with the largest incremental score improvement of the top 4 platforms.
The score differential between the 1st and 3rd ranked platforms is now at its narrowest, with only a 1.6% difference separating the top 3. Praemium has also extended its lead over the broader peer group, with a gap of over 5% between 3rd and 4th place.
Praemium's outstanding performance is evidenced by its ranking as the No. 1 platform for Decision Support Tools and Security, Data & Integration. The platform has also achieved top ratings in 14 sub-categories with notable dominance in the Reporting and Online Business Management categories.
Praemium has continued to enhance its reporting functionality over the last year delivering enhancements to model manager reporting, performance reporting, liquidity reporting and transaction reporting. This supported its number one ranking in 4 of the 8 subcategories of the Reporting category.
Investment Trends also noted that Praemium remains best in class when it comes to ESG reporting, using both positive and negative screens to show reports of portfolio holdings in each ESG category.
Praemium’s Chief Commercial Officer James Edmonds commented “Praemium has excelled in categories that advisers consider the most important, aligning with the company's strategy to deliver innovations that support advisers' efficiency and client engagement needs.
Overall, Praemium has shown impressive progress in the Investment Trends 2022 Platform Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking Report, demonstrating the platform's market-leading non-custody and data integration functionality and decision support tools, as well as its commitment to delivering top-rated reporting and online business management services.
“We’ve continued to collaborate with advisers on what functionality they need and have a number of exciting enhancements planned for the next year, which we believe will make attaining the number 1 position very achievable given how close the scores for the top 3 platforms are.”